Learning is a tough subject to talk about because everyone learns different and it’s a very opinionated subject. Growing up, learning as you get older, is always easier as an adolescent in my opinion because our brains are like sponges, soaking in information and being able to retain it. As I get older, I feel it’s harder to retain information I learn and I usually have to read a chapter or go over an assignment more than once just to make sure I can comprehend the subject.
I’ve always been hands on learner. Doing something tends to be the best way for me to learn. Not only is it easier to learn hands on, it’s especially easier to learn when you’re enjoying what you’re doing. The more I seem to do with my hands and make it fun the better I am at retaining the information.
During the course of my high school career, when I graduated in 2003, was always book oriented and not really hands on. I’m sure it might be the same with high schools currently but I feel that if high schools could get more hands on, students would tend to learn more and enjoy doing it. Making what you are learning into everyday life events. Show them more of the why than the how to, because if you understand why you need to know something or what its purpose is, it may be easier to comprehend and have real life experience help you with the subject.
The video (http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/gever_tulley_s_tinkering_school_in_action.html)expressed some important points as far as the overwhelming most children have these days between dance classes, football, basketball, soccer and everything in between. My brother works at a restaurant and is attending high school, his senior year. Between work and football, he doesn’t have much time to do homework let alone time for him to relax and unwind after a busy day. For example he worked Monday night from the moment he was out of football practice which is around 5 p.m. until 10 p.m. that night, and had homework to do so instead of going to bed at a decent time, he was up until midnight 1 a.m. finishing the homework that was due Tuesday. I don’t agree with the work load he has, but he wants his job for his personal expenses, and he enjoys playing football for his school. If the school wants to instill this type of work ethic they should understand and maybe figure out new ways for students to do homework, or maybe trim it down a bit so that they don’t have so much on their plate.
These are just my thoughts and opinions on the video and learning in general, if they are not the same as yours, that’s fine, this is a blog, it’s meant to be opinionated.
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