Well, not sure if I can really honestly find more to write about. I wish I would have done these during the time frame they were suppose to be done, cause than I'm sure i could have found relevant information to chit chat about but seeing as i kept putting it off than eventually forgot, well, that is my own fault.
I did end up getting that apartment so I am excited to move into it. I'll be moving to la crosse so my trip to school will be drastically cut down. Taking me a few moments to get to school rather than the 30 min I have to drive twice a day.
Hopefully everyone has a great Christmas break and looks forward to next semester. I sure am!

Friday, December 17, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Weekly Blog #7
Today I will be leaving school after written communications to go look at a couple apartments in la crosse. I'm excited to move out of the parents house since I've lived there since I've been back from Iraq. The one place I'm looking at is on Charles street and is an upstairs duplex. Its listed as a "Huge One Bedroom". So hopefully its a decently sized one bedroom apartment. most one bedroom apartments I've seen seem to be small and not offer a lot of open room for the price.
The other place I'm looking at is on Gould st. I'm hoping that one of these places I look at today is a good candidate for my new humble abode!
The other place I'm looking at is on Gould st. I'm hoping that one of these places I look at today is a good candidate for my new humble abode!
Weekly Blog #6
Finals. The last few weeks of school are always a stressful few weeks. I only have a few classes but it can be difficult to keep up with the amount of homework that seems to build up towards the end of the semester.
The month break that i will get will be enjoyable but also am going to be working on staying on top of my next semester and being prepared.
The month break that i will get will be enjoyable but also am going to be working on staying on top of my next semester and being prepared.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Weekly Blog #5
Thanksgiving is always an intersting time of year around my house. We usually have my grandmother, my uncle, and of course my immediate family. We had a big turkey, stuffing, cranberries, greenbeen casserol and of course the always delcious pumpkin pie.
My family is a bit different than most, but that goes without saying with any family i suppose. Only a few people in my family converse with one another outside my immediate family. Theres always something going on that causes a fight or a falling out amongst family members. Its always interesting to see who the family is talking to around the holidays becuase those are the ones that show up.
My grandmother had quite a few children, 4 girls and 3 boys. My family, including my mother, father, brother and sister only seem to talk to my grandma and my uncle Scott. The rest of the family kind of sticks to there own, usually becuase something happened along time ago that they can't remember but still hold the grudge.
Holidays are fun, sometimes exciting, but almost always interesting.
My family is a bit different than most, but that goes without saying with any family i suppose. Only a few people in my family converse with one another outside my immediate family. Theres always something going on that causes a fight or a falling out amongst family members. Its always interesting to see who the family is talking to around the holidays becuase those are the ones that show up.
My grandmother had quite a few children, 4 girls and 3 boys. My family, including my mother, father, brother and sister only seem to talk to my grandma and my uncle Scott. The rest of the family kind of sticks to there own, usually becuase something happened along time ago that they can't remember but still hold the grudge.
Holidays are fun, sometimes exciting, but almost always interesting.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Weekly Blog #4
Considering i'm trying to cram in a bunch of blogs in a short amount of time, it makes it difficult to find topics to write about. Than I think about what really bugs me in the world and than I can usually think of something to rant about.
This topic is about the world as a whole society, and how we are stalled in our current development.
We see T.V. shows depicting America in the future, building spaceships to explore the infinite galaxy, curing diseases, cancers and virus's that are common today. People might speculate or wonder if they will ever see something like this in our near future, or if we will end up somewhere around there in our distant future. Its easy to say, for me at least, that we won't be there. Not now, or anytime soon.
The reason behind this in my own opinion is the simple fact that humans, as we are, tend to be selfish, trying to obtain wealth and power, which i can't say I don't try to, who doesn't love money, but the reason we have money is because of our own greedy needs.
In order for us to advance as a civilization, I know it sounds rediculous, but we need to stop with the arguments about religion, believe what you want to believe, we need to stop the petty bickering over resources and put asside this hunger for power that we seem to have.
Now i might not speak for everyone, there are a lot of selfless people in the world, but not enough to change it entirely. The whole world, every continent would need to come together under a united front. One world, one people.
Now in the beginning i'm sure it wasn't intentional, races developing in there own area's of the world, content. Than we explored, waged wars enslaved people based on skin color and have done some pretty terrible things. We are a destructive force and will most likley engulf ourselves in a huge conflict that in time will leave one super power behind, or an empty planet devoid of life of anytype.
I'm most likley placing my money on the latter, as with technology and nuclear power, wouldn't take more than a few button pushes to destroy the face of Earth and usher in the extinction of man. I would hope that I will be proven wrong in the far future, but as of now, we will never progress becuase of our basic instincts. We are human, we make mistakes, but I think its about time we learned from them and looked forward, otherwise eventually there will be no one to tell the stories, or hear the stories, just another lifeless hunk of rock hanging in the speck of light that makes up our galaxy.
This topic is about the world as a whole society, and how we are stalled in our current development.
We see T.V. shows depicting America in the future, building spaceships to explore the infinite galaxy, curing diseases, cancers and virus's that are common today. People might speculate or wonder if they will ever see something like this in our near future, or if we will end up somewhere around there in our distant future. Its easy to say, for me at least, that we won't be there. Not now, or anytime soon.
The reason behind this in my own opinion is the simple fact that humans, as we are, tend to be selfish, trying to obtain wealth and power, which i can't say I don't try to, who doesn't love money, but the reason we have money is because of our own greedy needs.
In order for us to advance as a civilization, I know it sounds rediculous, but we need to stop with the arguments about religion, believe what you want to believe, we need to stop the petty bickering over resources and put asside this hunger for power that we seem to have.
Now i might not speak for everyone, there are a lot of selfless people in the world, but not enough to change it entirely. The whole world, every continent would need to come together under a united front. One world, one people.
Now in the beginning i'm sure it wasn't intentional, races developing in there own area's of the world, content. Than we explored, waged wars enslaved people based on skin color and have done some pretty terrible things. We are a destructive force and will most likley engulf ourselves in a huge conflict that in time will leave one super power behind, or an empty planet devoid of life of anytype.
I'm most likley placing my money on the latter, as with technology and nuclear power, wouldn't take more than a few button pushes to destroy the face of Earth and usher in the extinction of man. I would hope that I will be proven wrong in the far future, but as of now, we will never progress becuase of our basic instincts. We are human, we make mistakes, but I think its about time we learned from them and looked forward, otherwise eventually there will be no one to tell the stories, or hear the stories, just another lifeless hunk of rock hanging in the speck of light that makes up our galaxy.
Weekly Blog #3
We had a bomb threat today. I really don't understand the whole point behind a bomb threat becuase honestly if a bomber wants to blow something up, they'll just blow it up. I understand that you need take the threat somewhat serious and check the area for an actual bomb.
The scenario was a bomb threat at WWTC today. For one, its a technical school. There where no politicians, world leaders, or really anyone of real world importance other than the students and teachers. Now I'm not saying this isn't a great school to go to, but its a technical school. Its not Harvard, Madison, Yale or any other Higher Educated learning, there is really no importance strategically, or politically to be gained.
Its just rediculous what some people will do to avoid taking a class for an hour, or doing a final. If you don't want to come to class than dont come to class, its only your money, time and effort that will be wasted than, not the other students time.
The scenario was a bomb threat at WWTC today. For one, its a technical school. There where no politicians, world leaders, or really anyone of real world importance other than the students and teachers. Now I'm not saying this isn't a great school to go to, but its a technical school. Its not Harvard, Madison, Yale or any other Higher Educated learning, there is really no importance strategically, or politically to be gained.
Its just rediculous what some people will do to avoid taking a class for an hour, or doing a final. If you don't want to come to class than dont come to class, its only your money, time and effort that will be wasted than, not the other students time.
Weekly Blog Post #2
I've been slacking terribly on these blogs. I'm going to attempt to finish as many as I can and hopefully get some points from them, but it is my own fault as to the frequency these seem to come out at.
It seems like heroin is becoming a big problem around the la crosse area, well possibly not a huge problem, but a problem none the less. To me it seems like people are dropping like fly's from one of the most dangerous drugs. You hear about it in the news, the drug dealers getting sentenced for negligible homicide for selling the drugs.
Now I understand that being a drug dealer isn't a legal profession. I understand that drugs are dangerous. The people that are shooting up the drugs, they have to know the danger's from it. So why do they do it? Why do they shoot up liquid death? I think its wrong for people to point the finger at the drug dealer becuase he sold the drugs. He knows what he is doing is wrong, but the people who are buying the drugs and are using them, they are at fault, he's not shooting up for them, he's just giving them the means.
Think about it like this, is Gander Mountain going to be arrested for negligible homicide because a hunter accidently shot a person and that person died? No. So its a valiant effort to come down on the drug dealer, but its a wasted one, becuase honestly, they should have better means as to sentencing dealers and proper punishments for the crime. Giving someone a sentence for selling an item to someone KNOWING the dangers is ludacris in my book.
It seems like heroin is becoming a big problem around the la crosse area, well possibly not a huge problem, but a problem none the less. To me it seems like people are dropping like fly's from one of the most dangerous drugs. You hear about it in the news, the drug dealers getting sentenced for negligible homicide for selling the drugs.
Now I understand that being a drug dealer isn't a legal profession. I understand that drugs are dangerous. The people that are shooting up the drugs, they have to know the danger's from it. So why do they do it? Why do they shoot up liquid death? I think its wrong for people to point the finger at the drug dealer becuase he sold the drugs. He knows what he is doing is wrong, but the people who are buying the drugs and are using them, they are at fault, he's not shooting up for them, he's just giving them the means.
Think about it like this, is Gander Mountain going to be arrested for negligible homicide because a hunter accidently shot a person and that person died? No. So its a valiant effort to come down on the drug dealer, but its a wasted one, becuase honestly, they should have better means as to sentencing dealers and proper punishments for the crime. Giving someone a sentence for selling an item to someone KNOWING the dangers is ludacris in my book.
Weekly Blog #1
Boredom. Its a terrible affliction that seems to afflict me more and more as each day goes on. I get bored easily, and I'm not sure why. I have plenty of things to keep my occupied but I can never enjoy them for more than an hour or so before boredom sets in.
I remember back in the day, being able to spend countless hours playing video games, hanging out with friends, and really not doing a whole lot and being satisified. It really does perplex me as to how this happens, but like most things in life, just kind of have to go with it.
Playing guitar, paintball, building computers, and video games are just a few of my hobbies. You would think with this amount of activities, one person couldn't possibly be bored to often. I just miss the days that I was happy and content with the smaller things.
I remember back in the day, being able to spend countless hours playing video games, hanging out with friends, and really not doing a whole lot and being satisified. It really does perplex me as to how this happens, but like most things in life, just kind of have to go with it.
Playing guitar, paintball, building computers, and video games are just a few of my hobbies. You would think with this amount of activities, one person couldn't possibly be bored to often. I just miss the days that I was happy and content with the smaller things.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Learning is a tough subject to talk about because everyone learns different and it’s a very opinionated subject. Growing up, learning as you get older, is always easier as an adolescent in my opinion because our brains are like sponges, soaking in information and being able to retain it. As I get older, I feel it’s harder to retain information I learn and I usually have to read a chapter or go over an assignment more than once just to make sure I can comprehend the subject.
I’ve always been hands on learner. Doing something tends to be the best way for me to learn. Not only is it easier to learn hands on, it’s especially easier to learn when you’re enjoying what you’re doing. The more I seem to do with my hands and make it fun the better I am at retaining the information.
During the course of my high school career, when I graduated in 2003, was always book oriented and not really hands on. I’m sure it might be the same with high schools currently but I feel that if high schools could get more hands on, students would tend to learn more and enjoy doing it. Making what you are learning into everyday life events. Show them more of the why than the how to, because if you understand why you need to know something or what its purpose is, it may be easier to comprehend and have real life experience help you with the subject.
The video (http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/gever_tulley_s_tinkering_school_in_action.html)expressed some important points as far as the overwhelming most children have these days between dance classes, football, basketball, soccer and everything in between. My brother works at a restaurant and is attending high school, his senior year. Between work and football, he doesn’t have much time to do homework let alone time for him to relax and unwind after a busy day. For example he worked Monday night from the moment he was out of football practice which is around 5 p.m. until 10 p.m. that night, and had homework to do so instead of going to bed at a decent time, he was up until midnight 1 a.m. finishing the homework that was due Tuesday. I don’t agree with the work load he has, but he wants his job for his personal expenses, and he enjoys playing football for his school. If the school wants to instill this type of work ethic they should understand and maybe figure out new ways for students to do homework, or maybe trim it down a bit so that they don’t have so much on their plate.
These are just my thoughts and opinions on the video and learning in general, if they are not the same as yours, that’s fine, this is a blog, it’s meant to be opinionated.
I’ve always been hands on learner. Doing something tends to be the best way for me to learn. Not only is it easier to learn hands on, it’s especially easier to learn when you’re enjoying what you’re doing. The more I seem to do with my hands and make it fun the better I am at retaining the information.
During the course of my high school career, when I graduated in 2003, was always book oriented and not really hands on. I’m sure it might be the same with high schools currently but I feel that if high schools could get more hands on, students would tend to learn more and enjoy doing it. Making what you are learning into everyday life events. Show them more of the why than the how to, because if you understand why you need to know something or what its purpose is, it may be easier to comprehend and have real life experience help you with the subject.
The video (http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/gever_tulley_s_tinkering_school_in_action.html)expressed some important points as far as the overwhelming most children have these days between dance classes, football, basketball, soccer and everything in between. My brother works at a restaurant and is attending high school, his senior year. Between work and football, he doesn’t have much time to do homework let alone time for him to relax and unwind after a busy day. For example he worked Monday night from the moment he was out of football practice which is around 5 p.m. until 10 p.m. that night, and had homework to do so instead of going to bed at a decent time, he was up until midnight 1 a.m. finishing the homework that was due Tuesday. I don’t agree with the work load he has, but he wants his job for his personal expenses, and he enjoys playing football for his school. If the school wants to instill this type of work ethic they should understand and maybe figure out new ways for students to do homework, or maybe trim it down a bit so that they don’t have so much on their plate.
These are just my thoughts and opinions on the video and learning in general, if they are not the same as yours, that’s fine, this is a blog, it’s meant to be opinionated.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Labor Day weekend was like most typical weekends for me. Friends, Family, and some good old Paintball. Nothing to exciting happened during Labor Day. I did a lot of guitar practicing, bar notes are harder than they look. You have to move and shape your hand around the guitar in ways you’ve never really had to have your hand positioned before so it takes a lot of practice and repitition to get your hands “muscle memory” to kick in making it easier to hit the notes and jump from chord to chord. I really have enjoyed learning the guitar so far and am excited to continue learning.
My buddy and I, on Sunday, had a jam session. Basically he comes over with his guitar, I sit down with my cajone, and we just jam out to songs he knows. Its pretty easy to keep a basic beat on the cajone considering most of the time its just a two beat rhythm, nothing to fancy but it brings the guitar and the words together a bit more, keeping the pace of the entire song.
Monday we grilled out, brats and burgers, and enjoyed a nice day with my brother and my parents. After we ate my little brother and I hungout, watching “The office” and “Its Always Sunny in Phildelphia” which are two of my favorite shows. It was a nice relaxing Labor Day weekend and I wouldn’t have had it any other way.
My buddy and I, on Sunday, had a jam session. Basically he comes over with his guitar, I sit down with my cajone, and we just jam out to songs he knows. Its pretty easy to keep a basic beat on the cajone considering most of the time its just a two beat rhythm, nothing to fancy but it brings the guitar and the words together a bit more, keeping the pace of the entire song.
Monday we grilled out, brats and burgers, and enjoyed a nice day with my brother and my parents. After we ate my little brother and I hungout, watching “The office” and “Its Always Sunny in Phildelphia” which are two of my favorite shows. It was a nice relaxing Labor Day weekend and I wouldn’t have had it any other way.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
My introduction
My name is Tyler Ashmore and I’m a 26 year old student here at WWTC. I’ve lived a pretty interesting life so far taking me from Wisconsin to Iraq and a few places in between. I enlisted into the military straight out of high school and signed up for a 3 year contract for active duty. I was stationed at Fort Benning, GA for those 3 years, but during that time I did a 15 month tour in iraq, my first tour, but it wouldn’t be my last. I finished my contract with active duty and signed up with the national guard. I enjoyed the guard because it kept me close to home, but I ended up having to do a second deployment to baghdad.
During the last year I’ve been to Munich and Berlin in Germany; Krakow in Poland; Prague in the Czech Republic; Kuwait; and Iraq. I was able to experience several different cultures which I enjoyed doing. I was also able to attend the official “Oktoberfest” in Munich, which was a great experience. I plan on returning to europe again to backpack a bit longer than the two weeks I was limited to at the time.
I tend to think of myself as a humerous person. I enjoy laughing, listning to music, playing music, and am currently learning to play the guitar. I enjoy doing things outside as well as inside, leading to a few more hobbies than i currently need. I play paintball, build computers, play video games, and just kick it with a few buddies.
I look forward to learning more about yourselves in the blogs to come.
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